Affordable Rates, Reliable Methods and Proven Results. What’s not to love?

How it works:

Our private training sessions are designed to give you peace of mind with reliable results and convenient training options. Our focus is on empowering the pet owner with the tools, knowledge and resources to train their animals with the guidance of professional animal trainers.

We Do it All!

A few of the services we offer include: In-home Animal Training, Free-flight bird training, Behavior Consulting, Movie-Animal Training, Education/Outreach Animal Training, Canine Good Citizen Certification, Therapy Animal Training, Obedience Training, Group Dog Training Classes, Puppy socialization, Potty training, Behavior Modification Training, and more!


No job is too wild!

Our Individualized training plans are designed to achieve all of your unique training goals, no matter how big or small they may be. Our trainers have worked with everything from lions to lizards!